Two times a year many people suffer from allergies. Atlanta is a city made up of migrant Northerners who all develop severe allergies the day seasons change: spring and fall…
Our American Diet, consisting of over-processed, fatty, greasy fast food, along with overuse of antibiotics and pain medication all contribute the gastritis phenomena that keeps many doctors in business!…
Breast Cancer is dear to my heart. It has affected two of my maternal aunts, one maternal cousin and many other strong beautiful people I know! It is something I’m…
As you know there are many things you can do for depression as seen in the last post. I saved these sections for last as they are extensive and needed…
Before I found my path of integrative medicine, I used to want to be a psychiatrist. I wanted to help heal the mind. I quickly learned that the mind is…
A lot of people including myself eat diets rich in protein. There’s nothing wrong with eating protein, in fact, many physicians encourage it. The problems with high protein diets come…
School is back in, and doctors offices are already inundated with sick kids! Children from all ages are “catching germs” from their classmates. Your kids don’t have get sick! Help boost…
Many people don’t realize but inflammation starts in the gut, leading to cancers, allergies, autoimmune problems, weight gain, and even hormonal imbalances. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayurveda, Functional Medicine, Integrative…
If you haven’t heard the word “detox” you are not living in this century. Detoxing is the new big thing! There’s a juice detox, sugar detox, this detox that detox…
Everyone today is looking for a “quick fix” to lose weight, “get healthy” and become happier. Guess what guys, I have a secret, and there is no “quick fix” to…
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